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Why Allume

Many considerations have to be evaluated as a company decides how to grow, when to grow and where to expand; especially internationally. Some companies choose to make those decisions on their own, implement their growth strategies themselves and hire full-time employees, others bring in large consulting corporations; however, some consider developing a long term trusted relationship with an experienced partner. At Allume International we are that trusted partner.
Why would a successful company choose to partner with Allume International rather than do it in-house or hire a large consulting corporation?

  • Objectivity and Experience

    The identification and pursuit of international sales and revenue expansion opportunities are among the most important decisions any company will make. Making those decisions based on objective facts developed through our research and market analysis allows any size company the opportunity to make a well informed, intelligent decision. Adding the data and information determined through our financial modeling and analysis allows the correct decision to be made without the cloud of internal personal agendas..
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  • Expense

    Sales expansion can be very expensive. Most companies have limited resources and hiring full-time experience and expertise in sales and business development, especially internationally, is not only expensive, but carries with it the risk of failure; not just the failure of the strategy, but the failure of choosing the wrong people as well. Full-time employees carry price tags of high salaries, benefits, allowances and, worst of all, severance if they don't work out.
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  • Geographic Presence

    At Allume International we have a global presence with a regional focus. Along with our Minneapolis corporate headquarters, we have international Affiliate Offices, associates and close business partners in cities throughout the world. If you have questions about, or a desire to grow, in any given country or region of the world, odds are we have boots on the ground exactly where you want to be.

  • Expertise, Safety and Security

    We live in an interesting world, at an interesting time. Most companies, to some degree, have the ability to take advantage of global markets; however, a shrinking world becomes a minefield of cultural complexities, regulatory nightmares, logistical challenges and competitive considerations. Not to mention safety and security concerns never before experienced by businesses and their traveling executives. At Allume International we are experts at dealing with each of these highly complex issues. We have direct business experience in over eighty countries on six continents. In fact, about the only area of the world we haven't conducted business is Antarctica.

  • No Long Term Commitments

    Allume International requires no long term contracts or commitments. Our long term business relationships are based on value and performance, not contracts. Since we custom tailor our business relationships based on the unique needs of our clients, there is no need for a long term contract. When our clients are happy with our value the relationship continues. If a client no longer needs our service they may opt out. We offer maximum flexibility at a cost substantially more affordable than the large consulting corporations.

  • Excellence

    Each of our employees, associates and partners are highly experienced, thoroughly knowledgeable and very passionate about what they do. We all utilize current Best Practices Techniques and demonstrate the highest standards in ethical and business leadership at all times. We will always act in a manner consistent with the best interests of our clients. Large consulting corporations rarely act in the best interests of their customers; especially a small to mid sized customer. At Allume International every one of our clients is critical to our success and we treat them each as the single most important relationship we have.